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Feast of Our Lady of Fatima 13th May

To mark the feast of Our Lady of Fatima on Monday,13th May, at 7.30pm in the church of St. John the Baptist, Clontarf Rd, Clontarf, Rosary and Benediction will be led by a Dominican priest from Dominick Street. Antoinette Heery will lead the singing accompanied by...

Lay Ministry Appeal – April 27/28

Lay Ministry Collection, which takes place on the weekend of April 27/28 and will replace the Share collection. We call upon your support to help shape the future of our Church through lay ministry. Your donation can make a significant difference. By encouraging one...

Young Adult Camino 2024

We are delighted to launch our Young Adult trip to the Camino June 2024. Completing the last 110km of the Camino from Sarria to Santiago, this is a pilgrimage not to miss! Places are limited and all details, including preparation days, can be found in the poster. If...

Year of Prayer 2024

Year of Prayer 2024: The first offering for this special year at the Monastery of St Alphonsus took place on January 29, based on the wisdom tradition of the Desert Mothers and Fathers. The full resource is attached for reflection and prayer. You can also watch the...

Reflection on Today’s

Gospel Reading

Tuesday, Fifth Week of Easter

In the first reading we find Paul and Barnabas putting fresh heart into the disciples, encouraging them to persevere in the faith. One of the ways they put fresh heart into the disciples was by calling forth pastoral leaders from among them, ‘elders’, whom they commended to the Lord with prayer and fasting. The ministry of encouragement, of putting fresh heart into one another, as people of faith remains a vital ministry today. The temptation to discouragement can be quite strong in these times, so this ministry of encouragement is all the more vital. In the gospel reading we find Jesus exercising this ministry of encouragement. It is the setting of the last supper. Jesus’ disciple are troubled and afraid, aware as they are that Jesus is about to leave them.  Jesus reassures them that he is going to the Father, the one who sent him into that world. This journey to the Father is an expression of his love for the Father and the world. His journey there will enable him to serve his disciples in a new and more powerful way. As a result of his return to the Father, he will be able to share his own peace with his disciples, the peace of Easter, a peace the world cannot give. Jesus is showing them that his leaving them is to their advantage, a reason for encouragement. It will result in his putting fresh heart into them. Today’s readings invite us to share in this ministry of encouragement that Jesus, as well as Paul and Barnabas, so powerfully exercise. The gospel reading also shows us that leave takings in their various forms can be sources of new life for all.

